“A cyber security breach can strike at any time, putting your organization at risk”
Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Testing (VAPT) offer wide-ranging services to perform security audit and provide recommendation for security disruption, monitor security for risk analysis, forensics and penetration testing.
Vulnerability Assessment is a comprehensive scanning through various security validations to locate the vulnerable flaws in the pre-existing code. Vulnerability Assessment is limited to locate the vulnerability but it doesn’t reveal the impact or destruction level that can be caused due to the identified flaws.
Penetration Testing is a method to exploit the analyzed vulnerabilities using appropriate tools as well as manually. Penetration Testing shows that out of N no. of flaws found in Vulnerability assessment which particular flaw may lead to highest degree of penetration of malicious attack so it measures the impact of vulnerability and possible destruction level.
So VAPT is a combination of both VA & PT, which locates the flaws in the system, measures the vulnerability of each flaw, classifies the nature of possible attack and raises the alarm before these flaws lead to any exploitation.
Vulnerability: A flaw or weakness in system security procedures, design, implementation, or internal controls that may result in a security breach or a violation of the system’s security policy.